cherry pie

I finished another quilt that I started back during baby quilt week. I think this is finally the last one of that batch. (Yay!)

You all know I have such a hard time naming quilts, so I cheated and looked back at this post with all the name suggestions and used one Erin came up with...cherry pie. (thank you, e!)
For the quilting I deviated from my standby stippling for a few reasons. One, I knew I wanted to finish this quickly. Two, with the pieced back (see photo below) I knew all those seams would give me trouble if I were stippling.

For the back I used all scraps.
I love how the diagonal quilting shows up nicely on the back.

I finished it up with red star binding. Also from the scrap bin.
The quilt measures 45" square.

This one goes on the "to donate to charity" pile.