sewing with Linda

My dear friend Linda came down to visit me yesterday. We did some sewing, quilt basting and lots of catching up. We had a great time. Before she left this morning she gave me a few serger lessons and we sewed up a little garment for my girl.

We used this vintage pattern, which came from my grandmother's house. Isn't that so great?

Since we had to shorten the pattern a bit, we first made a copy of it unto freezer paper, then trimmed the excess length. It was Linda's brilliant idea to iron the freezer paper to the flannel fabric. There was no pinning before we cut out the pieces, thus no distortion from the pins. It worked out beautifully!!! I'll definitely be trying this method again.

And here is the final top. She's got a little room to grow.


We did a rolled hem around all the raw edges, then used an overlock stitch for all the seams. (I think I have my terminology right?) It was nice to be able to work on this project with the garment making expert! Thanks so much, Linda.