Christmas coins

This is what I came up with for the silent auction quilt. I started yesterday morning after I woke up in a panic...there is SO MUCH to do before Christmas. I only have week to get this done and with Thanksgiving coming up, well, that will seriously cut into my quilting time.

I pieced it completely from my scraps, except for the cream sashing. Many of the scraps were leftover from this quilt. While I was working on it, I remembered that I don't like making stacked coin quilts. They look easy, but lining up the rows isn't, at least for me. I think it came out ok....I guess I'll know for sure when I quilt it. I made one row skinnier than the rest because I ran out of wider scraps. I like the effect a lot.

On an unrelated note....

...I took down my daughter's crib yesterday.
I almost cried. She's growing up way too fast.