
A few of my neighbors, Diane, and I started a craft group last month. We've met twice now, and I'm so thrilled with our group. Last Saturday, despite a severe sinus headache, I learned how to sew curves. I was scared, because I had attempted curves before (without professional supervision) and it did not go well. At. all. This time was different, though. My neighbor, Marcia, gave me some great tips along the way and I am happy to delcare that I LOVE curves now. They are actually fun to sew and my mind is brimming with possibilities!

I'm not sure if I'm going to like this quilt or not. I chose these drab colors just in case it flopped. You see, I didn't want to waste my super pretty, precious fabric. (Don't you just love my confidence?) I have a feeling that I'm going to have to pull out some fancy quilting tricks to make this quilt sing, but I still have hope for it. :)