finish it up Friday, week 10

Welcome to week 10 of finish it up Friday!
Today I only have 2 little things to share....I made myself a GIANT pin cushion yesterday. I put the rotary cutter in the photo for scale. It's 7" square! It's made from scraps I had laying around and it's simply filled with stuffing. Adding the buttons (top and bottom) was the trickiest part. I just LOVE it!
And this little baby....oh, it was a LONG time coming! I have had this idea for what feels like forever. I keep my spare bobbins in this little tin can. (The can was probably originally from diced green chilis, so it's tiny-only 2" tall!) My plan was to cover it with a fabric sleeve of some sort. Yesterday I finally jumped in and made it up as I went along. I free motion quilted the word on linen (backed with batting, for stability) took me about 12 tries to get it to look good! I cut away the excess batting, trimmed the linen down to size. Then I pieced scraps to put around the linen and around the perimeter of the can. This is one of the sides....
Here's a detail shot of the back....isn't it darling??
It's constructed very similar to a coffee cozy. It turned out so SO MUCH cuter than I had imagined it would be. I absolutely LOVE it! Getting this project off my mental list feels soooooooooooo good!!!

Now it's your turn! Please link up your Friday finish here and so we can cheer each other on in our finishes! Thanks so much for those of you who link up and join in. And to those of you who don't, hey, thanks for reading! :) Happy Friday!