a new foot

Well, it's official.
I quilt a LOT.
I wore out my first walking foot.

My walking foot was clunking a bit and it was louder than it had been in the past...so I sent it in to the dealer to check out. I had a feeling it was broken and I didn't know if they could fix it or not. They are expensive little buggers, so I thought I would see if it was repairable before spending the money on a new one. Well, it turns out it was broken. A piece of spring metal broke inside the foot and the part wasn't replaceable. I ended up buying a new one. I asked the sewing machine dealer if that happens a lot, is that a common problem? He said it happens sometimes. When I got off the phone with the dealer my husband laughed at my question. He asked if I quilt a normal amount? Well, there IS that to consider.....

The first walking foot lasted me over 5 years...so I guess I can't complain. Boy, is it nice to be using a working one again!