
So, I started a new project on Saturday. I was trying really hard to get down to 9 WIPs before embarking on something new, but I broke down and gave in. I'm very excited to be using fabric that is NEW while it is still new. What a concept! (I still have a FQ set of Sherbet Pips that I haven't touched yet. And Ruby, too. I just can't keep up!) This fabric line is A Walk in the Woods by the charming Aneela Hoey. The fabric is so sweet and soft. I just love it. For the pattern I started with my whirlygiggle block tutorial that I tweaked just a bit, so no trimming this time around. Bonus! I'm forcing myself to not rely on white as a background (as much as possible) so I made the blocks interlock instead. I like the results very, very much! It's gonna be one sweet little baby quilt.

Please excuse my daughter...she couldn't pass up the opportunity to pose in a silly manner for the camera. :)

Happy Monday to you!