finish it up Friday, week 9

Welcome to week 9 of finish it up Friday! Today I'm happy to show you a very funky finish.

Out with the old....
this was my very old (12+ years) entryway rug that we've had since our very first house. It's done it's job, but the backing is disintegrating, the edges are was past time for something else.

In with the new....
Isn't it fabulously funky? I made it from old knit shirts and upholstery squares. You can read about how I made the squares here.
It wasn't exactly easy zig zagging the squares together, but it came together after a bit of wrestling.
I'm so happy be done and finally using the new rug! I just love it!!! It came together better than I could have hoped. The frugal girl in me is DELIGHTED to have made something so useful out of repurposed materials. When I started out, I thought "at least it will make a good conversation starter". :) In the end, I'm so glad it worked out...and so well!
How about you? Do you have a finish to share? If so, please link up to a specific post from the past week. Then go ahead and visit a few other links and leave a comment when you visit so we cheer each other on in our finishing!

Have a fabulous Friday!