
I flubbed up the NaBloPoMo thing, so I decided to take a few days off...I am feeling quite burnt out when it comes to just about everything right now. Any one else right there with me?

But you know what cheers a girl up?
Fabric in the mail!

Lovely Lera sent me a box FULL of fabric scraps and other goodies. I was grinning from ear to ear when I left the post office. Thank you Lera! I love it all. Again, I feel quite spoiled. :)

That left my husband pondering why on earth I would still need to buy more fabric this weekend. I guess I didn't NEED to. But I got some lovely additions for the stash.

I found the cutest little quilt shop ever. I gasped several times as I was discovering gorgeous bolts of fabric. The store is crammed full of fabric and vintage linens, gifts and antiques, so the shopping experience becomes like a treasure hunt. It was FUN! The owner's taste in fabric is simply wonderful. I was there an hour past closing...it was that good. There was a fabulous quilt sample in the shop, so I will be starting another quilt this week, most likely. It's a good thing that I am almost done with this one. And this one, too.