studio progress

I saw this post and I thought I could join in the fun, at least for this week.
My creative space is getting an upgrade in this more sharing with the laundry room. Although I was fine with that, I am thrilled that my creative space could now be called a studio. It still sounds a little weird to me, but it makes me feel more official. :)
It will actually be a studio/office. I get 7/8 of the room. My husband gets the remaining 1/8. (I'm sad to say that I am not joking.) I spent most of the day unpacking and organizing. It was so enjoyable. I have miles to go before I sleep.
You can tell that I am nowhere near settled because the sewing machine isn't set up yet. I had better get on that soon, or I will get all twitchy.
Also read about this, and think that I just may join in that fun, too.