
For Tracy's color week...
...the first produce of the year from my garden. Hurray! I cannot tell you how much I love going out to the garden and picking fresh veggies to add to my dinner.

It was sooooo good. We eat stir fry over plain spaghetti noodles, add a little soy sauce to it (so it ends up like a little like lo mein). For the adults, we add a little HOT chili sauce for some extra kick. Easy and delicious!
The cucumbers are coming next. And green beans! Oh, I love my garden.
Now, for some yellow on the quilting front...
my vintage sheet quilt stippled....
the start of another plain spoken quilt....(of course I had to sneak some pink in there, too.)
and just a random shot from my sewing room.
This is my first time participating in a color's fun to notice little details that otherwise would be overlooked. Thanks, Tracy.