small projects week, day 2

I bought this little side table when we first moved to town...nearly 2 years ago. I only paid $2.00 for it at a garage sale. It's not the cutest thing, but when you add some primer and a little green paint, it looks much, much better. I always love seeing how paint can transform things. I added a little dresser scarf thingy that came from my grandma's house to protect the painted top. I really like it. Now I just need to finish my bento box quilt to go along with it. :)
Also, I finally got around to making some more checkbook covers. I intended to make them for Christmas presents, but April is pretty close, right? The red and the green ones are for two of my friends. When I was making these last night my husband asked me to make one for him in some masculine looking fabric. He picked out the fabric from my stash, but he wanted it without interfacing, which was just fine by me, because it came together even more quickly. He put his entire checkbook-plastic cover and all-inside the fabric one and it fit perfectly! (Yes, I was a little surprised.) I had to look back at my own tutorial on how to make these because I had forgotten how, which just cracked me up. Keeping a blog is useful! For this set of covers, I added a quarter inch to each measurement, so I cut the pieces 7.25 x 13.25 and they fit even better than the first ones I made.

This week may have to be renamed "five ways to use fabulous red polka dot fabric". It might show up a few more times've been warned. ;)