three and a few answers

my little girl turns 3 today. (or "flee" as she says.) i wish i could bottle her up. she is such a delightful little girl. i love her so much. my dear friend Linda sent this adorable dress for her birthday. how cute is that?!?!? thank you so much, Linda.

now, for a few answers about the quilt along.

the start date was technically Monday, but if you haven't started yet, you can start today. (a few days difference is no big deal.) also, if you would rather make 7 in a week, that's perfectly fine. AND, there is no penalty for falling behind. :) a few people mentioned making a smaller version, which sounds perfect, too. just have fun with it!

a few thoughts on the color selection...and this is just my 2 cents....since there is white sashing in the quilt, you can throw almost any fabric into the mix and it should work. (white sashing does wonders!) the only thing i would recommend is to make sure that the two colors in each block have plenty of contrast. you want to be able to read each fabric easily. now i'm off to make my 9 patch for the day...have a good one!