a few finishes

Man, it's hard to blog this time of the year, isn't it? I haven't been making any top secret presents or anything, just plain busy.

I have managed to get a few things done....(between shoveling my driveway countless times-or so it feels)

I made another ruffle edged scarf. Ravelry link here. Yes, I broke down and joined ravelry. I held out a long time (because I spend way too much time on line already), but one day, in a moment of weakness, I succumbed. I haven't spent much time there yet, but have found it useful for searching for patterns and for linking, too. ;)

I finished a pair of socks for my oldest son. They are just ankle socks, so they knit up fairly quickly. He was sooooooooooo excited when I finished them. I love that he loves the things I make for him. I have a half a pair knit for my other boy, with many requests to make the second sock soon. This is kind of gross, but both of my boys thought that hand knit socks were not washable. (Can you say ewwww???) I was sure to correct them and let them know that this was definitely not the case.

I also made a doll quilt. This is another commission piece. It measures 19" x 24", but I have to wash and dry it yet. I've got my fingers crossed that it shrinks to just the right size. This little thing gave me fits. I don't know why the smaller the piece, the longer it seems to take. But I am so pleased with the results. And it gave me another idea for a larger quilt. (Shocking, I know!) If only I had more time...

How are you all doing? Ready for Christmas yet? Or is your head spinning? :)

I have my house clean and dinner simmering on the stove, so I'm off to quilt. Yay!