a very good day

First off, thanks for all the sweet comments on the Quilts of Valor quilts. I know I get a lot of comments, but I hope you know that I do appreciate each and every one. (OK, not from the spammers, who have been busy filling my inbox lately. Sheesh!) But, I do appreciate each of YOUR comments. :)

Now, for today's post....
My husband works downtown Minneapolis and since he only had one meeting to attend today, he invited my daughter and I to go along with him so we could spend more of the day together. I'm so glad we did...it was great fun. I'm also glad that I remembered to take my camera.

My daughter and I hung out at Dunn Bros. for awhile. She was drawing and I was knitting and sipping tea. I'm such a small town girl, so the city really intrigues me. I had lots of fun people watching and my daughter is such a great little companion. (I'm already dreading the day she starts school.)

We spent some time at the public library in the kids section.

I found inspiration in some well illustrated kids books.
This one is Hello, Day! by Anita Lobel.
The pages were brightly colored and fun.
Some of the pages reminded me of Kaffe Fasset quilts.

I loved the line of brightly colored flowers on this page.
And the use of circles on this on this page.
I hope to make a quilt inspired by these. Someday.

Also, the floor vents and colors caught my eye.
More quilt ideas!
I "see" quilts everywhere. I'm not sure if that is a blessing or a curse.
After my husband's meeting, we had a burger at Lyon's Pub.
It was so good!!!
He's out having coffee now and my daughter is "resting", so I have a bit of time to quilt before my boys get home.

It's been a very good day.
Hope your Friday is going (or has been) just as good as mine. ;)