geese in the forest

Here's my last finish of the year. It combined two of my wip's....geese in the forest and tokyo's triangles...which is handy. :)

The center panel is made up of the 12 blocks I managed to make for Anina's quilt along. The top and bottom borders were made from flying geese triangles that I made using this method. I kept adding borders until I came up with this layout. I l-o-v-e the results. It's not huge-it only measures about 50" x 64".

I backed it with green and added a pop of pink for the binding. I love those two fabrics together.
I did loopy quilting all over, which wasn't easy. This quilt is not assembled as neatly as I would have's actually quite wonky. Hopefully that's all unnoticable after it takes a trip through the washer and dryer. :)

Since it's the last day of the year, here's a little WIP rundown....

I started Jacquie's Joy in the New Year Challenge with 19.
I have finished 12 quilts since that time.
9 were WIP's, 3 were new projects.
(This quilt took two off my list, but I'm only counting it as one finish.)
My final count will be 9 for the challenge.
And I'm left with 9 WIP's.
There's always next year, right? ;)

How did you do on your WIP's?