I can't think of a name for this quilt.

In my sidebar I called it baby bricks. Anyone want to help me give it a better name? I tell you, when it comes to naming quilts, I pretty much stink.

This is a little baby quilt...made for 3 reasons:

1. I had extra strips cut, I think there were still some leftover from this quilt.

2. I wanted to do a trial run of a brick quilt, mainly to figure out the size that I need to make the 1/2 size bricks on the end of each row, which I never did figure out. There is a free pattern to download here called Amy's Lotus brick path quilt that just has you cut off the extra length, but I don't like doing that because then when sewing the strips together, there is nothing to keep you honest. My seams end up getting skewed and I end up with a trapezoid shaped quilt rather than a rectangle. Not good.

3. And most importantly, I wanted to make some cute quilts to help disguise the ugly ones that I will be donating to the Linus Connection.

Here's the back....

and a closer shot of the fabulously cute binding.

The quilt measures 35.5" x 41.5".

Each brick was cut 4" x 7"....so can anyone tell me how big to cut that alternate half brick? It's absolutely driving me crazy.