piles of boxes, piles of fabric

So this is what Amy Jo and I were working on the other day in my sweatshop. We made 9 striped boxes and 2 white and green boxes. These are so much fun! We basically used this pattern, but made all pieces 6" x 6". And instead of adding the timtex for the sides, we used 5.25" squares of thin cardboard, one for each side and one for the bottom. We used all the cereal boxes that I had in my cupboard, and we still ran out. We almost had to dig in the neighbor's recycling buckets at the curb, but we held back. :) The striped fabric is a remnant that I picked up at JoAnn's. It's actually fabric made for outdoor use, like on the patio, but I saw the stripe and knew I needed to make something out of it. It worked out perfectly for this because it is a medium to heavy weight fabric.

I sent several home with her, and right now I am using mine to store my tiny fabric scraps and selvege edges from my fabric on my desk. They make me so happy! I have a feeling that there are many more of these to come.

Carolyn went to Japan last month and she brought back fabric just for me! Isn't that sweet?

I love it!!! It couldn't be more perfect.

And I had mentioned that I had a setback in my fabric diet...

...here are the results. I tell you, it's hard to resist a store closing (40% off!!!) fabric sale when your friend is in town visiting. Even though we had 4 kids in tow, it didn't damper the shopping one bit. Obviously.