new projects

Craziness is at an all time high around here. I have 13 quilts in progress at once (!!!) and a Christmas tree skirt that is 35" square, which qualifies as a quilt in my mind, so let's just call it 14. And there is no end in sight. Trying to come up with a name for all of these may be the end of me. That is one of the advantages of using patterns, they come pre-named.

This pattern is called spiderweb. After seeing this photo I knew I needed to make one. The pattern is free and it is found here. While you are there, you might as well spend some time at the quiltville website, it's incredible! There are lots and lots of fun free patterns. This one is on my list to start soon, in red and white. Oh, I can hardly wait!

So here is my first spider web block. It's made from all scraps so far, even the cream. I'm planning on this being a long term project.

Another L O N G term quilt project that I finally started this weekend is based on this quilt. Sarah and I decided we would each start on one and work on it together so we started a flickr group to encourage each other in our journey. You are invited to join in (the madness) if you would like.

I already see some dilemmas with this quilt. Do I make all the geese first, then join them together later? (I'm afraid of burn out this way.) Or do I work on this on a block buy block basis? (I'm afraid that it won't look random enough this way.) I'm going to have to think that one over. Are any of you surprised that I started with pink? This is going to be a stash quilt, so to me, it was the obvious place to start.

edit: I am using this tutorial for the flying geese. It's an easy way to make triangles (if there is one). The final blocks will be 2" x 4" finished.